Fabrication Lab

The Fabrication Lab provides a space for students, faculty, and staff to experiment and explore new fabrication processes with prototyping, testing, and creating mockups in various scales and materials. It has a standard suite of tools ranging from woodworking to light machining, CAD, and other 3D design capabilities employing Epilog Helix and Fusion laser cutters. The lab is equipped with computers with software such as Rhino, CAD, Solidworks, and a multitude of relevant software, which can then create products using state-of-the-art equipment such as 3D printers, laser cutters, digital scanning and modeling tools, and fully equipped wood shop in the back.
The digital fab-lab is a 3D CAD/CAM development studio. This studio houses 3D FDM printers, laser cutters, digital scanning, and modeling tools. High-performance desktop PC workstations run software such as Rhino 3D, Blender, etc, for digital model design. There are tables that allow students to come in and work on projects for class.
Students are welcome into the space to hang out and ask questions!
Here you will find a list of available FabLab machinery as well as how-to videos. If you are wondering what kinds of materials we provide, you can find them here. We also provide a wide range of handheld tools for student use! This will be updated consistently so be sure to check in and see what the working status of things!
Experience the space
The digital fab-lab is a 3D CAD/CAM development studio. This studio houses 3D FDM printers, a laser cutter and digital scanning and modeling tools. Dell Precision workstations run software such as Rhino 3D for digital model design. There are 10 work benches equipped for electronics and design project work.
The dirty shop fabrication space is centered around large format CNC milling and cutting tables and lathes. This space also has a full wood shop with plenty of tools to craft your design. The fabrication area also includes a separate room for locking project storage, to allow students to store their works in progress.