Give to the School of Arts, Media, and Engineering

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Advancing human expression through advanced technologies 

As director of Arizona State University’s School of Arts, Media and Engineering in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, I have the opportunity to introduce our donors to the cutting-edge work being done by our students and faculty in advancing human expression through advanced technologies. These technologies include video games, artificial intelligence, wearable technology, virtual reality and more. We are one of the only transdisciplinary programs of this nature in the United States, with research and curriculum that intersects with multiple schools across ASU, including Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Design, Art and Music, Dance and Theatre. Our school prides itself on creating one of the most flexible curricular paths for students, allowing them to enter a wide array of careers like technologists, entrepreneurs, performers and designers. We believe that a technologically advanced workforce can be created with far fewer barriers to education and training than is currently considered possible, and we appreciate your interest in sharing our vision.

– Pavan Turaga, director


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Pavan Turaga


Your support helps our students achieve success.

When Staçia Meconiates graduated in 2023 with a degree in interdisciplinary digital media (IDM) composition from the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and the School of Music, Dance and Theatre, they said they owed much of their success to scholarships from the Herberger Institute and from ASU. Meconiates, who was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a genetic collagen disorder that impacted their ability to play traditional acoustic instruments, used the support to pursue their passion for coding and for music. During their time at ASU, they used technology and skills learned as a student in the Arts, Media and Engineering to make musical experiences accessible to everyone, including those with limited mobility.

Staçia Meconiates

How you make a difference

Students working on an engineering project


Investing in our students

Less than 26 percent of ASU's budget comes from the state of Arizona, making gifts from private investors, foundations and corporate partners essential. In creative programs, the cost can be even higher than standard tuition as students need to purchase art supplies, musical instruments, and design and fabrication materials to complete their classwork.

Your support can make or break a student's experience. You can choose to direct your gift to scholarships, student enrichment, or a variety of programs that allow students to explore and experiment in their disciplines. For many students, your gift makes all the difference to get them to graduation.

Investing in our faculty

The ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts has more than 700 faculty members who teach nearly 8,000 students in the disciplines of architecture and landscape architecture; art; arts, media and engineering; dance; design innovation; music; theatre and film. Your investment in faculty development and research is vital to maintaining and expanding the high-quality education we provide to students.

You can direct your investment to support faculty in the following ways:

Faculty chairs recognize the achievements of faculty over a lifetime of scholarly endeavor. Such named chairs carry with them a level of prestige among the wider academic world that allows ASU to attract and retain faculty of the highest level of achievement and teaching.

The ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts wishes to increase the number of chairs in each of its schools, resulting in the continued artistic and creative development of its faculty.

Offered only to full professors, named chairs provide faculty with recognition, compensation and supplementary support for their teaching and research activities. These named gifts also strengthen the economic and creative well being of Arizona.

Named professorships, such as the Leonard and Patricia Goldman Professorship in Organ, help the ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts recruit and retain the brightest and most talented faculty in the world.

Like endowed chairs, named professorships support teaching and research activities, but are typically provided to scholars and faculty at an earlier stage in their academic careers.

Part of the ASU Herberger Institute’s Annual Giving program, the Faculty Enrichment Fund is a pooled fund that supports the costs of research grants, supplies, travel fellowships and other essential activity that is part of the faculty’s creative leadership work.

Professor standing next to an engineering project


Give to the School of Arts, Media and Engineering, today.

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Contact us

Speaking with a development professional is like having a free, personal advisor to assist with your philanthropic goals. Development officers can assist you with crafting an individual strategy that fits your unique circumstances, philanthropic vision and financial budget. Please consider contacting a member of our team:


Interim director


Donor relations coordinator